The potential for healing and recovery is much greater for child's tooth. There are exciting new developments occurring in endodontics that are allowing severely damaged teeth in children to make miraculous recoveries. Your dentist may not be aware of these developments and it is worth asking for a second opinion from an endodontist at the Richmond Endodontic Centre.
An immature tooth has a remarkable healing capacity that mature teeth have lost. Recent advancements now allow for the harnessing of this great healing capacity to rehabilitate the pulp and promote further maturation of the tooth.
This conservative procedure promotes healing of the pulp and fosters further root development. It involves the use of biocompatible pulp-friendly materials that promote healing.
If this treatment is successful the tooth will continue to develop like a healthy untreated tooth; with the root continuing to grow longer and with thicker walls. For several years after the treatment, these teeth will require an annual exam and x-ray and they remain at an elevated risk of needing root canal treatment for life.
If this treatment is not successful, the pulp will die (necrose) and the root development will cease. The root will no longer grow in length and its walls will remain thin. The weaker and shorter root may not be able to provide stability for a lifetime of use. Endodontic treatment is necessary and often requires the attention of an endodontist.
Most dentists are familiar with apexogenesis. However, there have been some exciting developments in recent years. A referral to an endodontist at the Richmond Endodontic Centre may be worth considering.
This procedure is performed when the cavity or injury is large and the pulp is too unhealthy to perform apexogenesis. The unhealthy pulp is removed and medications are placed in the canal. A tri-antibiotic paste is placed in the canal. At the second appointment the paste is removed and new materials are placed in the root that encourages the pulp to recolonise the root.
Currently, this procedure is experiencing a lot of new and exciting developments. If this procedure needs to be performed on your child's tooth it is worth coming to the Richmond Endodontic Centre for an evaluation.
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